Monday, June 29, 2015

Why Purple Worldview?

The color of purple has always been special to me.  I have always been attracted to it and I feel much more comfortable and at ease when I am wearing something purple.  It is widely recognized as a color of royalty and spirituality so perhaps I am connecting with that powerful, spiritual place that lies within me and every other human.  The color purple contains deep meaning and power to me and represents love, compassion, respect, and justice for all beings and objects, too.  It exudes tranquility, happiness, pride, and humility.  In essence, the color of purple represents all of the qualities I hope to personify.  

In addition to the color purple, there are several other topics that I am extremely passionate about that I will also address in this blog.  One is travel since it has always been important to me.  I have been blessed with many opportunities to travel the country and world since graduating from college and marrying the woman of my dreams.  We have made it our mission to visit and explore as many places as possible.  We’ve explored both domestically and internationally visiting many states and countries, including but not limited to, France, Italy, Cape Verde, Senegal, South Africa, The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal, Mexico, Jamaica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Belize, Corsica, Brazil, Thailand, Bali, and Fiji.  This summer will mark the third consecutive summer that my wife and I will spend 5 weeks living in China (base city of either Shanghai or Guangzhou) and we have used this as an opportunity to exploring other Asian countries such as Japan, Vietnam, and India.  Our travels have expanded our world and minds by exposing us to various cultures and different ways of thinking and living.  We have seen how we are small parts of the HUGE universe of life.  The open and natural comparison of our habits with those of the peoples we encounter during our travels has deepened my understanding both of myself and the folks we meet and made me more appreciative of the life I have been allowed to live.

Athletics (both team and individual sports) and general physical activity have played, and continue to play, an integral part in my life.  I have recognized how the skills and traits required for success in athletics translate nicely into all other areas of my life including, but not limited to, academia, professional arenas, and social relationships.  I enjoy playing, watching, coaching, and analyzing all sports and also observing the similarities and differences between how sports are intertwined into the various cultures of people all around the world. 

Finally, education and learning has always been very important to me.  Educating others properly even led me to the professional change nearly 14 years ago that moved me out of healthcare finance and into the teaching of primary school mathematics.  As a product of a public school education, I am very concerned with helping find solutions to the myriad of issues currently found in the American public school system especially in urban areas.  Given both the incredible technological advances of recent years and also the great effort and attention that most other countries place on providing high quality education to its children at little to no cost, it is imperative that we fix out problems and ensure that all of our children are educated as well as children in any country.
I have combined these passions to create my PurpleWorldView blog.  My goal is to present honest, thoughtful observations of any issues that I am passionate about.  My entries will normally focus on one or more of the topics that I mentioned above, however, I will also address other events that I feel are pertinent to my life or to the world in general.  I hope that my statements will spur additional thought, conversation, and hopefully action of some sort.  I want to always add positive energy to the world and to be part of the solutions rather than adding to problems.  Hopefully, this blog will serve to increase understanding between people from different countries and cultures leading to a more enlightened society and a happier, more well educated world. 

Wishing you the power of purple and a wonderful life!

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