Monday, July 6, 2015

Another Birthday? Learning to Enjoy Aging!

As I believe the case is with anyone who is at least 30 years old, the approach of my birthday always generates some emotion and and a great deal of thought.  When this one arrives later this week, my age will move another step away from that half-century mark as I'll celebrate a Darryl Dawkins jersey number birthday (that's 53 for any non-Chocolate Thunder, Philadelphia 76er fans out there).  It is interesting how the way that you face your birthday changes as you age.  As a child, you eagerly await birthdays since they mean parties, celebrating with family and friends, cake, and new toys!  As a teenager, birthdays become signs of maturity and new access to previously forbidden arenas (getting a driver's license, graduation from middle or high school, having a job and earning money, the right to vote, and other new freedoms).  During your 20's your birthdays are propelling you into the real world as you celebrate graduating from college or graduate school, reach the legal drinking age, begin your professional career and seek out the perfect mate to start your family life with.  You really believe that you have it all figured out in your 20's but by the time you reach your 30's and 40's you realize that you knew little to nothing when you were younger.  Birthdays now become a time for reflection and adjustment.  You make moves of all sorts - professional, physical, and relational.  Child rearing changes your entire perspective on life and the world we live in.  You begin to better understand many of the things that your parents and other elders said or did to you when you were a child (you may not agree with them but you do understand them).  Now, as I celebrate my 50-something birthdays, I find myself pondering my accomplishments and legacy.  I am deeply concerned with serving mankind and positively affecting the course of life on Earth.  I find it much easier to stay focused in and enjoy the present moment than I could in my earlier years.  I realize and express my gratitude for the countless blessings in my life, especially for my wonderful and amazing wife and friend, Patti, and our beautiful children, Courtney and Brandon, as often as possible.  I try earnestly to not take anything for granted as I know now, at this age, exactly how special my experiences are and how easily they could end.  Therefore, this year I will demonstrate just how grateful I am for my life by celebrating my birthday with passion and gusto!  I will enjoy every minute of my day here in Guangzhou by eating my favorite Chinese foods, going for a great run through the streets and parks for exercise, capturing all of my thoughts either in writing or photos, and spend a wonderful evening with Patti celebrating over a wonderful dinner, drinks, and a celebratory cigar.  I hope that everyone else will do the same when their birthday rolls around regardless of their age and set of circumstances.  We all have reason to celebrate even when it seems that we may not.  Remember, every day above ground is a good day!

Enjoy the power of the purple and Happy Birthday to all!  

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