Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The USA and China: An Alphabetical Analysis of Their Similarities

As the number of Chinese cities I visit increases, some obvious facts become even more readily apparent.  Although China and the United States clearly have significant differences, these differences are dwarfed by the endless similarities between the two amazing countries.  While it is impossible to detail all of the common ground matters, I have utilized our alphabet to express many of them.  Both China and the United States have:

  • Athletes and Amputees; Anxiety and Ambivalence; Artists and Audiences; Apples and Ancestors; Airplanes and Abalone
  • Billionaires and Beggars; Beef and Booze; Balloons and Ballistic missiles; Bodyguards and Babies; Beaches and Backpacks
  • Cabs and Crutches; Cash and Credit; Cities and Coffee shops; Coaches and Co-pilots; Cabbage and Cabernet Sauvignon; Cabinets and Cable Television
  • Dogs and Drugs; Daydreamers and Death, Daughters and Distilleries; Digital Cameras and Da Vinci; Ducks and Dignitaries; Data and Disabilities
  • Employees and Educators; Efficient Energy and Embarrassments; Ex-patriots and Ethnicity; Entourages and Entrepreneurs; Earmuffs and Earnings per Share
  • Friends and Foes; Foods and Families; Fears and Flowers, Fetishes and Forgiveness; Face Creams and Flannel Shirts; Facts and Fictions
  • Geometry and Galoshes; Gamers and Grandparents; Germs and Geniuses; Golfers and Gardeners; Gallantry and Ghost stories; Gestures and Gibberish
  • Highways and High Rises; Hypocrites and Heroes; Humility and Honor; Hate and Happiness
  • Insight and Insanity; Ignorance and Idealism; Internet and Insomnia; Infatuation and Irony
  • Joys and Jails; Jacuzzis and Janitors; Jealousy and Justice; Joggers and Jugglers; Jack Hammers and Jock Straps Jack fruit and Jelly Beans 
  • Kleenex and Karaoke; Kitchenware and Kayaks; Kinetic energy and Karma; Kittens and Kisses; Kinship and Kaleidoscopes
  • Love and Laziness; Luxury and Lack; Leaders and Loners; Lies and Legends; Laboratories and Light Bulbs; Labyrinths and Lubricants
  • Mopeds and Memorials; Marginalized and Marketable people; Minimalism and Materialism; Metropolises and Microbiology; Magazines and Microwaves
  • Nature and Narcissism; Nationalism and Negotiation, Nerds and Neonates; Neighbors and Newlyweds
  • Obedient and Oblivious people; Obstetricians and Officers; Oligarchs and Olympians; Obligations and Opulence
  • Politicians and Prostitutes; Professors and Poor people;Passion and Pessimism; Parallelism and Perpendicularity (gotta sneak some Math in here!)
  • Questions and Queues; Quizzes and Quotas; Quacks and Quakes; Quips and Quid Pro Quos
  • Romance and Riots; Rivers and Rifts; Reputations and Reprisals; Referees and Rock slides; Redemption and Rock Bottom
  • Supermarkets and Super Models; Social Media and Subway Trains; Snakes and Sniffles; Sea breezes and Snowstorms; Schools and Socio-economic Classes
  • Tranquility and Traffic; Toilets and Trains; T-Cells and Teas; Taboos and Tattoos; Tactfulness and Tackiness; Tailors and Toenail Clippers
  • Unity and Uncertainty; Umbrage and Uber; Ubiquity and Unawareness; Ultimate frisbee and Ultrasounds; Ulterior motives and Ultimate satisfactions
  • Violins and Variables; Vanity and Valor; Vacation homes and Vacant lots; Vaccinations and Vacuums; Vagrants and Veterans
  • Wonderment and White Lies; Wardrobes and Waiters; Waivers and Wake-Up Calls; Wallpaper and Walmart; Wallflowers and Wallets
  • X-rays and Xeroxes; X Chromosomes and Xylophones; X-Axes and Xanthic Acid
  • Yoga and Yelling; Yams and Yachts; Yawning and Yearning; Yin and Yang; Yogurt and Yolks; Youngsters and Yearbooks
  • Zoos and Zealots; Zest and Zeal; Zippers and Zip Codes; Zeniths and Zeroes
Power to the Purple!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really creative - cute😀